Do you have a home First Aid Kit?

Being prepared is an essential part of first aid in the home for it is where we spend the most time with our families; eating, drinking, and undertaking a wide range of fun activities and essential house maintenance, including DIY and gardening! Accidents, of course, can happen - but is your home first aid kit stored safely and is it stocked?

Most of us have the odd plaster in our bathroom cabinets or kitchen cupboards and dressing or tape in that draw next to the screwdriver, pens and batteries that no longer work. Having a home first aid kit can be essential in emergencies. However, below are a few other practical, every day items that could be used before, or as you are seeking medical help

Cling Film - BURNS after cooling the burn for at least 20 mins under cool water, gently drape cling film over the injury to prevent further infection and reduce pain. A clean plastic bag, e.g. sandwich or freezer bag will do the same

Tea Towels - HEAVY BLEEDING Use any items to apply pressure and reduce the flow - e.g. clothing

Frozen Peas - BUMPS and BRUISES Other frozen vegetables are available! Wrap frozen items in a cloth or tea towel and apply to the affected area for 10 mins

Scarves - BROKEN BONES Clothing and blankets can be a great way of supporting a injured limb if you don’t have a triangular bandage - alternatively use your ‘good’ arm to support the injured one

Hands - CPR High quality chest compressions are known to improve someone’s chance of survival if they suffer a cardia arrest. Use your hands to call 999 on put your mobile phone on speaker


Flexible First Aid Training


Heatwave - Heatstroke - Heat Exhaustion